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We're closed over Easter - but Practice Plus is available

The Terrace Medical Centre is closed on Good Friday (29 March) and Easter Monday (1 April), but Practice Plus will still be available for same-day virtual appointments with Aotearoa-based GPs if you need support over the long weekend.Click here to go to the Practice Plus website. If you need to be seen in-person then there are three After Hour clinics around Wellington, the Hutt, and Kāpiti. If it is an emergency please call 111 or visit your nearest Emergency Department. ...

March 26, 2024

FLU VACCINES - bookings now available

We are now taking bookings for flu vaccines! You can make an appointment for your 2024 flu vaccine for Tues 2 April onwards. Please read on for more important information about: 2024 flu vaccine bookings 2024 flu vaccine options - and see attached PDF of flu vaccine comparisons for more info  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about flu vaccines 2024 eligibility criteria for funded flu vaccines - or see attached PDF~~~~~Flu vaccine bookingsAs usual we will be running dedi...

March 20, 2024

Our new patient portal is live!

Today we've launched our new patient portal! We made the decision to move away from ManageMyHealth, our previous patient portal provider, after experiencing too many ongoing technical issues. We are pleased to have the support of our PHO, Tū Ora - Compass Health, in making the changeover to our new patient portal, Centrik and the Well app. You can access the Centrik portal either via your web browser on your computer or device or by downloading the Well app on your smart device.&...

March 18, 2024

Dr Brenda Gibson away on leave

From Mon 18 March Dr Brenda Gibson is taking a well-earned break and will be on leave for two weeks, returning to work on Tues 2 Apr. However, she is already booking up fast after her return and currently has no appointments available until mid-April.While Dr Gibson is on leave Dr Theo Meijer will be working as her locum, and our Nurse Practitioner Intern, Jasper, is also available to see patients. Dr Meijer, Jasper, and some of our other GPs are also available upon Dr Gibson’s return if you...

March 15, 2024

Insight into the pressures on general practice

A recent article from Stuff illuminates the ongoing pressures faced by general practice and by GPs themselves as demand for GP services continues to increase both in quantity and complexity. It's worth taking the time to read. GPs throughout Aotearoa face immense strain and the risk of burnout. When you read that, for example, many full-time GPs who own their own practices are spending 10-20 hours per week on admin work on top of 40 hours per week of patient-facing time, and doing a great d...

March 8, 2024

Moving from Manage My Health to Centrik

We are very pleased to be able to confirm the dates of our changeover from Manage My Health to our new online patient portal!Moving from MMH to a new portalThe portal we’re moving to is called Centrik and, like MMH, will be accessible to you either by app or your web browser.Please take note of the important dates below:Thurs 14 March: Your access to our services through Manage My Health will be closed off at 4PM.This is to give our doctors and nurses enough time to work through...

March 8, 2024

Our Nurse Practitioner Intern

We're thrilled to see Jasper's hard mahi pay off as he now moves into his new role as a Nurse Practitioner Intern. Starting with us as a Registered Nurse in 2020, Jasper has been studying over the past 3 years to become first a Nurse Prescriber and now a Nurse Practitioner Intern: the final step on his journey to becoming a fully certified Nurse Practitioner. Jasper's Nurse Practitioner Intern clinic is now open and he is available Mon and Wed-Fri to see patients in this capacity. This mean...

February 23, 2024

Equity Project Lead Award

Congratulations to Jack (he/him), our Primary Care Practice Assistant (PCPA) and Equity Champion / Kaiāwhina Mana Taurite, who was the recipient of the Health Care Home Equity Project Lead award at the Health Care Home Celebration last night! 39 practices across Upoko o te Ika a Māui - including The Terrace Medical Centre - are part of the Health Care Home programme, which aims to provide a sustainable healthcare workforce and proactive model of care to our communities. Eight different aw...

February 16, 2024

GPs on leave in Feb & March

We’re going to be short-staffed with our GPs through February and March as multiple doctors are away on leave. Please take note of the leave time for your regular GP:Dr Julian Foster: 05 Feb to 14 Feb (back on Thurs 15 Feb)Dr Theo Meijer: 02 Feb to 26 Feb (back on Tues 27 Feb)Dr Martin Harris: 04 Mar to 15 Mar (back on Mon 18 Mar)Please be prepared to see a different doctor if your usual GP is unavailable when you need to be seen.  While Dr Foster and Dr Meijer are on leave we still ...

February 1, 2024

Funded shingles vaccine for 65 year olds

Turning 65? Or about to turn 66? Consider booking in for your FREE Shingrix vaccination. Shingrix is the shingles vaccine used in Aotearoa since 2022 and is available for free while you're aged 65 years only. Two doses of Shingrix are required, given 2-6 months apart, and both doses are free to you as long as you receive the first dose while aged 65 years. Even if you received Zostavax previously (the shingles vaccine used in Aotearoa before 2022) you can still receive your funded Shingrix...

January 30, 2024

ManageMyHealth issue - test results failing to upload

We are currently experiencing some technical issues with the patient portal ManageMyHealth. Usually test results and radiology reports would automatically upload to your MMH account once your doctor has viewed and filed them, but these are not uploading at the moment. ManageMyHealth Support is aware and has been working on this issue for us for some time, but unfortunately has not been able to resolve it yet. One of our clinicians will always contact you by phone if a result or report is ur...

January 24, 2024

Have a SunSmart summer!

Above-average temperatures and long dry spells are expected this summer, alongside tighter water restrictions throughout Te Upoko o te Ika a Māui / Greater Wellington. Enjoy the sun but take steps to keep yourself and your whānau safe from dehydration, heat stroke, and sunburn. A few key sites to check out and/or keep an eye on include: SunSmart for regional sun protection alerts as well as information on protecting yourself from the sun and checking for skin cancersHealthify fo...

January 16, 2024

Free Wellbeing Workshops

Personal Connections and Emerge Aotearoa are hosting free PeerZone and Concrete Jungle wellbeing workshops starting in late January and early February. These workshops are for anyone aged over 18 years who is experiencing mental health distress and/or addiction.The workshops are taking place in Newtown, Tawa, and Kāpiti. They will involve group peer support, kōrero, kai, stories, group activities, and more, with the aim of helping you build confidence and resilience and to learn about topics s...

January 16, 2024

2024 New Year Updates

Staff ChangesNew Practice ManagerWe would like to give a warm welcome to Laura Fenton as our new sole practice manager.For many years Robin Macandrew has been both practice manager and nurse here at the practice, and in recent years she has been gradually handing over management functions to Laura. Robin is now reducing to three days per week and will be working as a nurse and administrator while Laura takes on the full role of practice manager.We want to thank Robin for all of her amazing mahi ...

January 16, 2024

Nurse Call changes

Due to a significant increase in both number and complexity of enquiries, we can no longer sustain this service as it has been previously provided.Due to a significant increase in demand for clinical advice from our nurses we are no longer able to provide all nurse phone consultations free of charge.For this reason, as of 16th October 2023 a fee may apply for your nurse call based on the length of the call as per the guide below:Over 15 minutes – $44.5010-15 minutes – $255-10 minut...

October 6, 2023

Controlled Drug changes

The Misuse of Drugs Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2023 will come into effect on 5 October 2023. The amendment regulations can be viewed at note, this DOES NOT impact medication for ADD/ADHD – this remains as a 3 month prescription.Please click the button below for all information on the changes....

October 5, 2023

ACC charges

Please see the flowchart below regarding ACC appointments. Appointments are subsidised, not fully funded. The appointment charges differ from a standard GP appointment or nurse appointment due to them being funded by different government departments. Please note: ACC does not cover 100% of services provided by General Practice, there is always a charge for ACC appointments....

September 22, 2023 Posts 51-67 of 67 | Page prev