Age Concern | He Manaakitanga Kaumātua Aotearoa
Age Concern | He Manaakitanga Kaumātua Aotearoa provide a wide range of services to benefit seniors, including:
Staying Safe Class for Older Drivers: free classroom-based refresher workshops for senior road users
Steady As You Go exercise classes: classes designed to prevent falls by improving strength and balance
Visitor Service: weekly visits from volunteers for over 65s for companionship
Companion Walking: walks with volunteers who can accompany you around your community, to your local park, to your shops or cafes, or wherever you would like to go
Connect! Programmes: programmes designed to help seniors get involved in their community
Monthly Pop-Up Hubs: free monthly social events for over 65s
Tea & Tech: have some tea while you learn about how to use your device, how to stay safe on the internet, and how to use apps and navigate websites
And more!
Click here to visit the Age Concern - Wellington Region website for more information.