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28 Jul is World Hepatitis Day - get a Hep C test!

Werohia te Atekakā C | Stick it to Hep C! 

Hepatitis C is an infection of the liver caused by the Hepatitis C virus. It's estimated that more than 6,000 NZers may currently be living with Hepatitis C without knowing it! While there are common symptoms associated with Hepatitis C, these may not appear for many years after you've been exposed to the Hepatitis C virus. Meanwhile, the infection may still be doing damage to your liver. 

What are the symptoms?

Tiredness, nausea, abdominal discomfort, and yellowing skin and eyes are the most common symptoms - but you may not have symptoms at all, or they may not show for a long time after you've been infected.

Who is at risk?

The people most at risk of Hepatitis C infection include those who had blood transfusions prior to 1992, those who inject drugs or share drug-injecting equipment, those have had unsterilised tattooing or body piercing done, or those who have had medical procedures done with unsterilised equipment. 

However, Hepatitis C is spread by blood-to-blood contact, so there are other ways you could become infected. 

What does Hep C testing involve?

Testing for Hep C is quick and easy! The first step is a simple finger-prick test. This will show if you have ever been exposed to Hep C at some point. If your finger-prick test is positive, you will then need to have a second blood test done to see if the Hep C virus is currently in your blood. 

Where can I get tested?

A wide range of providers offer Hep C testing: your GP can order tests for you, or some pharmacies, needle exchanges, pop-up clinics, mobile services, kaupapa Māori health providers, and other community providers offer free finger-prick tests. 

Visit for more information on Hep C and to find your nearest testing location!