1) Pharmac has decided to simplify the renewal process for ADHD medications from 1 Dec 2024
Currently, people diagnosed with ADHD need to have a Special Authority approval granted by a specialist before they can start on medications, and this approval then needs to be renewed every 2 years for adult or yearly for children, which involves further input from a specialist. This causes a huge barrier for people with ADHD, due to either cost or lengthy wait-times or both.
From 01 December 2024, the regular renewal of your Special Authority will no longer be required. Instead, once your specialist has granted your initial Special Authority approval for stimulant medications for ADHD, your GP or nurse practitioner will then be able to continue prescribing your medication without further Special Authority renewals needed.
This is exciting news for the ADHD community! The removal of the renewal criteria means the process for getting your prescriptions will be much smoother and more accessible.
2) Pharmac are also funding a new ADHD medication from 1 Dec 2024
This medication is called lisdexamfetamine (brand name Vyvanse). The availability of lisdexamfetamine will help to provide another treatment option for people with ADHD and also help with the ongoing supply issue of other ADHD medications. It will be available as 30mg, 50mg, and 70mg capsules.
If you are already privately funding lisdexamfetamine for yourself: You will now be able to access this as a funded treatment, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria for lisdexamfetamine.
If you are interested in starting on/changing to lisdexamfetamine: You will need to book an appointment with a doctor to discuss your options, to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for lisdexamfetamine, and to get your first prescription (if approved).
Delays in prescribing different ADHD medications
We would also like to make people aware that, unfortunately, prescribing a new or different ADHD medication for you is not a straightforward process. It involves the doctor setting up a new medication record themselves on each individual patient's file, which can be a time-consuming and finicky process.
Your doctor may not be able to do this for you immediately during your appointment, depending on how much time they have left. Or, in general, if they are prescribing an alternative to your usual ADHD medication, they may not be able to do this as a same-day/urgent prescription for you.
We ask that you please ensure you request your prescriptions while you still have some supply left wherever possible in case of delays.